Instructions Below.
Quick instructions Here.

NotePad (English) Total Words
Spanish Translation Total Words
German Translation Total Words
Dutch Translation Total Words
French Translation Total Words

1. Follow the software in order from No.1 'Lifestyle' to 'Call 2 Action'. Click any category to populate the right hand text area with a selection of phrases.

2. Selecting any phrase will automatically copy it to the English Notepad on the left, and translate it to the various language text areas.

3. When finished (or between tasks) please copy and save your descriptions!

Click this and then paste your work in your preferred file. Click 'CTRL' and 'V' together, or use right mouse click and select 'paste'. Do not forget to copy all the languages.

Click this to start a new Line.

Click this to start a new Paragraph.

Adds a full stop.

Adds a comma.

Adds a dash.

Adds a bullet (for lists). The lists sections are 11, 11a, 11b, and 11c.

Deletes the last phrase or punctuation you inserted.

Adds the word 'and'.

Adds the word 'offers'.

Adds the word 'features'.

Only select some of the categories relevant to your property. You do not need to include all the categories for each property description, in fact shorter is better. For the marketing psychology behind this see the full software instructions.

Click here for full video instructions on how to use the software or get Quick start instructions Here.